STOG Star Organigram

"Stars move with the rhythm of the galaxy. They are always in a constant natural flux and in coordination with each other. " A. Kapur


STOG as a part of SPOG

The STOG Star Organigram originates from the SPOG Spiral Organigram. Its structure consists of Autonomous Groups out of the AGM Autonomous Group Management. The STOG both works as an independent organisational system and can be part of the SPOG in the framework of a company structure.

The advantages that nature has created in a time span of millions of years are now usable for you in the company context through STOG: STOG is a natural organisational system with a limited system of self-regeneration. It is made up of a large number of Autonomous Groups in terms of the AGM. These groups are interlinked by applied communication structures and are kept viable by special communication and rapport systems.

The functionality at this magnitude is provided by an additional organisational system: leadership from the centre. This form of leadership produces an optimisation and enhancement of the understanding of leadership and of leadership competence.

What is STOG?

STOG enables an all-embracing exchange of communication and information within the whole company. Communication channels are not limited to a vertical direction from top to bottom, they rather use well targeted the shortest ways possible in all directions. Like this, everybody gets the information needed for productive, optimal work. This is the basis for collective, harmonious work with a common feeling for the common aim of maintaining, developing and expanding the company system.

Executives, employees, teams and departments may consciously experience and shape new dimensions of productivity and efficient performance through STOG from the systems and concepts by PMS Personal Masters Systems. This is because any development of a company as a whole requires the development of every individual within the company.

With its innovative systems, PMS Personal Masters Systems enables development in all areas of your company.

STOG Star Organigram:

  • The regenerative system for medium-sized companies and for departments of major enterprises
  • People act as central factors of the system exchanging information and knowledge in an optimal way
  • self-organised system
  • transparently linked and intelligently applied communication structures
  • organising complexity systematically
  • STOG consisting of autonomous groups which are specifically linked together and work interlocked
  • An overview of the whole system is possible through specifically applied mechanisms of self-control
  • integrated systems of feedback and reporting
  • integrated systems of self-regeneration
  • optimised transformation of energy
  • Leadership happens from the centre and therefore close at the employees, at their needs and potential conflicts. In this way the active ability to act and the elimination of destructive effects on the system gets possible.