sustainable Economic and Organisation Systems

A. Kapur: "Die Natur hat ihre eigenen Gesetze. Diese basieren auf dem natürlichen Chaos. Wer erfolgreich sein will, muss mit diesen Gesetzen gehen und nicht gegen diese!"


System - Autonomous Group Management AGM

AGM Autonomous Group Management brings optimal conditions for group work that is shaped by the group members themselves and on their own responsibility. There is no “top” or “bottom”, because the order within the group serves the functionality and not the hierarchy. Every member of the group is able to contribute to the group’s work with his individuality and his ability for transformation, expansion and optimisation. more


System - Star Organigram STOG

For medium-sized companies: The innovative system for the comprehensive and systematic organization and accomplishment of all complex and difficult tasks. To be able to solve complex problems, the knowledge of your employees must be brought together interdisciplinarily and interdepartmental. Communication channels are not limited top-down, they rather use well targeted the shortest routes possible in all directions, getting all the information needed for an optimal performance. more


System - Spiral Organigram SPOG


Ensure a leading position in economy by (using) SPOG – for the effective transformation of unused energy resources and energy potentials, in the field of Emotional Intelligence by Energology by Kapur, as well as e.g. in relation to channels of communication, organisation and transportation. Optimal management regarding company structure, markets / products, finance and human beings. more

Our referenzes


Systeme und ihr Zweck

Systeme sind Bestandteile von gesunden Organisationen. Sie ermöglichen systematisches Vorgehen und schaffen Klarheit in der Vorgehensweise more

Entwicklung der Organisationsformen

Wie haben sich Organisationen entwickelt? Hier eine kleine Chronologie der Entwicklung von Organisationsformen. mehr

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