Acting instead of waiting

Crisis situations demand quick and strategic actions which often are realised quite fast. However, there often is a lack of acceptance of the present situation which would be the prerequisite of the action. The longer key decisions are not taken, the more chances for energetic and constructive actions are lost. How much time has to pass before managers start to re-organise?


Our scientific approach: Energology

The main scientific approach of the science of Energology by Kapur is:
“ Everything that is, is energy” and “Energy is everything, that is”, meaning everything that exists, consists of energy. For a consulting job a non-valuable and human view of individuals, situations and conditions is essential. Objectivity ensures quality. The research results regarding pedagogy and psychology are outstanding and trend-setting.


The Team

Under the leadership of Adem Kapur, the founder and managing director of PMS Personal Masters Systems since 1999, competent teams of Energologists, business paedagogues, cultural paedagogues, paedagogues, psychologists, economists, documentalists and commer-cial coworkers are working together efficiently. more

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